Brewing Competition

This year’s Trillium Brewing Competition is being run by past winner Arthur Shipkowski, and is open to all brewers, meadmakers, and vintners attending the festival. The number of categories will be determined by the number and range of entries; the best of all entries will receive an award in all cases. Likely subdivisions, given sufficient interest, include Beer, Dry Mead, Sweet Mead, and Fruit Wine.    

If you have any questions about the brewing contest, feel free to contact us directly.

To Enter:

  1. Entries should consist of one bottle containing at least 10 oz – entries, if not entirely consumed during judging, will be shared with the community at the concert on Saturday night. If bottled in containers of less than 10 oz, multiple bottles may be submitted to reach 10 oz.
  2. Labels may remain affixed to entries (we will cover them up prior to judging).
  3. Entries are to be submitted at the Registration Table by noon on Saturday.
  4. Competitors will be asked to complete a separate sheet containing the following information (forms will be available at Registration): – Beverage Creator’s competition use name and entry number, which shall be affixed to the entry (e.g. Wyrdone’s #101 or Pluto’s #700) – Entry Description (e.g. sweet cherry wine; plain orange blossom mead; kiwi melomel; oatmeal stout) – General Ingredients list (please include any sulfites, spices, or additives)


  • Judging will be in terms of style. Pretty packaging, while nice, will be ignored.
  • Non-competitors are welcome to volunteer to judge; the number of judges will be determined by the Brewing Competition head.
  • If there are multiple categories, competitors are encouraged to help judge the categories they did not enter.
  • It anticipated that judging sheets will be returned to those participating to help them improve their brewing skills.
  • The winner will receive a gift TBA.

Results will be announced during the Saturday evening concert.

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